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Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Your chance to Win $35,000 in cash and Prizes!!!!!

Do you like to fish? do you like cash?....we all do, well the Dubreuilville ATV club is having  again this year thier big annual fishing  tournament called "Dubreuilville Fathers Day Walleye Derby...... its a mouth full to  but its a great Derby weekend,  The Derby is part of  NOWT Qualifef tournaments.     I was one of many that help start this derby and I'm happy that this group are doing a great job a keeping this going all these years.

Here's some information from the Derby website.

This year’s derby is scheduled to take place on June 15, 16 & 17 2012.

The D.F.D.W.D. is offering the chance to win $35,000 in CASH and PRIZES.

Register before April 15th 2012 and enter a chance to win both EARLY BIRDS

-Before April 15 2012: fishing trip valued at $1335
-Before May 15: 14ft Princecraft Fisherman boat valued at $2200

Most improved position valued at $1500 PLUS 2 cash prizes for the highest placing team who has a member 16 years old or younger. We really want the kids off the coach and away from the computer screen and on the lake fishing.


1st Early Bird (before April 15th):
Fishing Trip valued at $1335

2nd Early Bird (before May 15th):
Princecraft Fisherman 14ft. boat valued at $2200
Special prize/Prix spécial

-Jones Power Sports will provide 2 x $500 (gift certificates) a total of $1000 in gift certificates to a team fishing in a JONES POWER SPORTS BOAT PACKAGE. This will be a random draw amongst our customers on Sunday. These registries will be screened by Jones Power Sports Staff.

-Jones Power Sports fournira 2 x 500$ (certificats-cadeaux) un total de 1000$ en critificats-cadeaux pour une équipe qui pêchera dans un bateau acheté chez JONES POWER SPORTS. Ce sera un tirage au sort parmi nos clients le dimanche. Les inscriptions seront examinées par le personnel de Jones Power Sports.


-Friday, June 15th 2012 from 3pm to 6pm (high school)
-Vendredi 15 juin 2012 de 15h00 à 18h00 (école secondaire)

 Registration fee is $200.
Here's the link for the online registration  Derby Online registration.
Chantal Mantha 705 884 2693
President & Secretary

Daniel Guay 705 884 2703
Vice President

Annick Vallières 705 884 1675

This tournament is in harmony with the environment, giving each team the opportunity to register only 6 walleyes per day which makes it one of the most competitive tournaments in Northern Ontario. Each team is allowed to register two walleyes 18.1 inches or longer per day.

Last year over 482 walleyes were registered with only 5 not surviving.


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