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Monday, 9 September 2013

Dubreuilville Alouettes Snowmobile Club Update.

Many of you have read my post on my facebook page (The Groomer guy Facebook page) that I had posted a few weeks ago and where asking questions about how the club is doing and if it will be operating this winter.  I decided to post some information to update you guys because I know many of you are starting to plan trips for next season.

A few Weeks ago the Club had a meeting from there I posted that it was not looking good for the club as nobody wanted to step up and take the club in charge,  (president)   some phone calls where made and one of our neighboring club was asked to come to meet us for a meeting and asked if they would be interested is being joined as one club, merging, After some discussion it was decided that it would not be a good idea as both club are very much different of each other on the way we run things.   The  neighboring  club left the meeting and we  thank them for coming and wished them well for the upcoming season  we then continued to talk and decide what we would do next. The Discussions went on for a while and after some good  dialogue  one individual spoke up and said he would be interested in taking the role as Club President, this was great news as I have good faith in this Person and I know he will make a good President, he said that he was new at this and that he will have lot's to learn but he was up for the challenge.   With this good news we decided the Club will be have the Annual club AGM and Elections soon and we should have a new Club President and we can move on and work on the upcoming sledding season.  Looks like the Club will be ok for the next few seasons.

Now All that will be left to do once the elections are done this fall is for the Club to sell the mandatory 50 trail permits to stay in good standing in the OFSC,  We are going to need your help, Please support our club this season by buying a permit from our Club.  If you are a group of riders why not spread the permits among multiple clubs, we all know that it is rare that a snowmobiler will ride only in his club trails (locally)  why not buy permits from different clubs that way you can help our the small clubs and the bigger clubs too,   for a small club the sale of a few more permits can make a big difference.

The Farmers Almanac is predicting a good winter for cold and snow.... that might be bad news for some people but for us snowmobilers its music to our ears, we love that kind of forecast.

The Snow will be here soon, get those sled ready.

Keep on Grooming!!!


Snowmobiling in Dubreuilville Ontario  2012/2013 season.


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